Venture Hawks VS Peebles Indians

Peebles High School will host Venture HAWKS VS Peebles High School Indians. Tip-off at 12:00 PM. Please sign in at the office if attending game.  

Adam’s Lake

Weather permitting- Visiting Adam's Lake and explore nature. Please bring a packed lunch as we will be eating at the lake. Venture to transport to and from during normal operational hours. Free admission. All welcome.

Southern Ohio Professional Wrestling

Southern Ohio Professional wrestling will be live at Eastern Brown Middle School. Show starts 6:30 PM Main Event: Al Snow VS Tommy Chill. First Time Ever: Shark boy VS Stretcher the Pooh, The Village VS Devlin Anderson and Dave Nevada Eastern Brown Middle School 11519 US 62 Winchester, Ohio 45697   Venture to transport from…

Reading Group

This is a fun and social experience that will stimulate your mind with interesting conversations, help you become a reading role model, and show how a book can move you. This is a free event, open to all. Sign up and join us! Venture to transport to and from during normal operational hours.

Bowling-Town and Country Hillsboro

Fun day out working on our bowling skills. $15.00 for admission and food. Lunch will be eaten on site at Town and Country Bowling Lanes. Venture to transport to and from during normal operational hours. Please sign up with Sam.


Venture staff to take individuals to Walmart to shop for their own personal needs. Venture staff to transport to and from during normal operational hours. Please provide a shopping list of desired items and bring own funds to accommodate purchases.

Reading Group

This is a fun and social experience that will stimulate your mind with interesting conversations, help you become a reading role model, and show how a book can move you. This is a free event, open to all. Sign up and join us! Venture to transport to and from during normal operational hours.

Easter Dance

Venture Productions, Inc will host our first annual Easter Dance on Friday, April 19, 2019 in the cafeteria from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. You may dress up or be casual. Cookies and juice will be served.

Star Cinemas in Hillsboro- Movie TBD  and lunch afterwards Venture staff to transport to and from during normal operational hours. Please provide $12.00 for theater admission and lunch.

Haircuts-Male and Female

Ohio Valley Career and Technical Center Cosmetology Department will provide $2.00 haircuts for individuals whom would like to be groomed. Venture staff to transport to and from during normal operational hours. Please provide $2.00 to cover cost of haircut.